Dawn of War Soulstorm Campaign Too Easy

Well aren"t you special? Clearly you are either playing on easy difficulty or are not being honest. On medium or hard difficulty some levels are near impossible. Tried destroying 65 Orc buildings on Hard? If so prove it. Otherwise i struggle to believe you as I am an experienced RTS player and this game has an insane girythm where easy is too easy and difficuklt is impossible.

This game is trash ez. I hacked an old client back in my early 2000's to make the game exceptionally hard and well, to get it for free. This version of the game just feels insanely lacking on terms of computer ai. I noticed when playing against 4 necrons on insane in skrimish with friends, only 1 actually is going full ham, 2 going maybe at 45%, and 1 chugging barely at like 25%. It is just disappointing. I am actually disgusted.

Even 2 could kill my team of three way back when, now a team of 6 cant even scratch us.

I recommend the Titanium Wars Mod. It adds a bucketload of new units, rewamps the campaign significantly and makes the game more interesting overall. The increased difficulty mainly shows in the Strongholds. Seriously, I went from breezing through the campaign on Hard (unmodded) to barely scraping through on Medium (with mod). The mod makes the enemy throw near-unfair amounts of units at you, several of whom are high tier. The regular, non-stronghold maps will still be quite easy to get through however.

You can find it on Moddb. There's also a version for Soulstorm.

Last edited by Muninn; 27 Jul, 2018 @ 6:36am

Originally posted by Muninn:

I recommend the Titanium Wars Mod. It adds a bucketload of new units, rewamps the campaign significantly and makes the game more interesting overall. The increased difficulty mainly shows in the Strongholds. Seriously, I went from breezing through the campaign on Hard (unmodded) to barely scraping through on Medium (with mod). The mod makes the enemy throw near-unfair amounts of units at you, several of whom are high tier. The regular, non-stronghold maps will still be quite easy to get through however.

You can find it on Moddb. There's also a version for Soulstorm.

Sadly, I do not like increased types of new units. Rather, I just want a more difficult game. I will check it out.

Later on this game becomes almost impossible. I dont know how anyone could find it ''éasy''

Originally posted by Mighty:

Later on this game becomes almost impossible. I dont know how anyone could find it ''éasy''

What do you mean by that? Is there a way to ramp up the difficulty? I beat it on the hardest with every race.

The off steam version I modified was almost unbeatable. The cpu would shove units down your throat every second they can, know where ever you went, and all CPU's will act in unison. This game's units are lack luster at best.

Firestorm over kronus might give you what you are looking for. Ive been playing ultimate appocalypse for soulstorm and the ai seems more difficult on "normal" then the vanilla game does on hardest.

So some people have an easier time playing the game so therefore they must be lying? This thread is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ funny.

Originally posted by GrayV-Horse:

Originally posted by Mighty:

Later on this game becomes almost impossible. I dont know how anyone could find it ''éasy''
What do you mean by that? Is there a way to ramp up the difficulty? I beat it on the hardest with every race.

The off steam version I modified was almost unbeatable. The cpu would shove units down your throat every second they can, know where ever you went, and all CPU's will act in unison. This game's units are lack luster at best.

I mean I dont know how anyone could find it easy once regions get up to 10 defence. The only way ive managed is to bumrush with a gigantic honor guard to beat the AIs double player count that they have for no reason.

Originally posted by Mighty:

Originally posted by GrayV-Horse:

What do you mean by that? Is there a way to ramp up the difficulty? I beat it on the hardest with every race.

The off steam version I modified was almost unbeatable. The cpu would shove units down your throat every second they can, know where ever you went, and all CPU's will act in unison. This game's units are lack luster at best.

I mean I dont know how anyone could find it easy once regions get up to 10 defence. The only way ive managed is to bumrush with a gigantic honor guard to beat the AIs double player count that they have for no reason.

I dont even use honor gaurd. I have a bit of a hoarding thing with video games so I go base gameplay every time. You should have seen how they were on my off steam version. You had to play flawless. You could not let them get a single strategic point. You had to hit their resources as much as possible, otherwise, it may be a loss.

I play on skrimish with friends on this, 3 of us versus 5 bots, usually necrons because heh "zombies" ;3 and most of the bots sit on their buttocks the whole game. Back then, it was hard to even kill 1 bot with 2 of us. usually, we would relocate and form a massive base and co defend.

As for Paraoia's comment, thanks, I will check that out myself. Until then.


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/app/4580/discussions/0/1730955582216383817/

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